Reforms for Lesser Sentence

Section 53 of the Pakistan Penal Code inflicted types of punishments to which the offenders are liable:

  1. Qisas,
  2. Diyat,
  3. Arsh,
  4. Daman,
  5. Ta’zir,
  6. Death Sentence,
  7. Imprisonment for life, rigorous and simple Imprisonment,
  8. Forfeiture of property, and
  9. Fine

Pakistan Penal Code provides substitution of lesser punishment for a greater sentence which may be provided on approval of the Provincial or Federal Government whosoever has the authority and jurisdiction may commute. It is not applicable on punishment of Qatl.

In certain cases the Code empowered the President to pardon or commute a sentence. It is prerogative of the President of Pakistan to pardon the criminal with the assent of legal heirs of the victim. The President of Pakistan may grant pardons, reprieves, respites or remission of punishment under this provision.

Punishment of life imprisonment may also be calculated in fractions. In calculating fractions of terms of imprisonment for life it shall be reckoned as equivalent to imprisonment for twenty-five years. Sentence of life imprisonment bifurcate in two sections one is rigorous and the other is simple.

If one connects tenure of imprisonment spending in jails, the condition of jails in Pakistan worsened day by day. There is no system, illiteracy and unhygienic conditions make jails more miserable than ever where convicts were treated worse than animals.  There is no remedy for the convicts as most of them belonged to rural class where illeteracy rate is higher and people have no idea how to help the convict to come out of jail.  There is no system in jail to transform the sentenced person to provide decent livening to transform them in a better human being by providing them disciplined and organized life. The jail authorities may introduce recreational and educational training for the convicts. In the light of above discussion, I think our system needs may introduce new reforms and transform the jails. Our judicial system needs new reforms to lesser the quantum of imprisonment, life imprisonment by amending above mentioned punishments and their applications. On the other hand the President of Pakistan may look into the matter and use his power of pardon with the consent of the victim’s legal heirs when and where it is required for people’s good. The Federal Government may take initiative to invite the legislatures to make new reforms and introduce lessor sentence for less heinous crimes especially for juveniles and women who are the most effective of all. Along with new legislative reforms it is imperative to take initiative to make the jails of Pakistan environment friendly, educative, promote education, technical training, and some recreational activities for the prisoners to make their life less miserable and more productive. We may work on building a better environment in jails of Pakistan by introducing educational, technical, artistic works to the convicts.

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