Contract of Employment

Contract of Employment

This contract of employment is between _____ (hereinafter called as the Employee) and Bloomfield Hall Pvt Ltd (hereinafter called the employer) and is in signed by both parties on __________ this day of ________, 2014, Lahore.

The following terms and conditions of the contract have been agreed by both parties:

  1. Nature of Employment

            Full Time                     Part Time

  1. Designation



  1. Major Responsibilities

            Administration:           ______________________


            Teaching:                     periods per week  

  1. Accountability:

            The employee shall be responsible to :

            ______________ and

            Bloomfield Hall Executive Board and its appointees

  1. Working Days and Timings:
  2. a) Weekdays

            To report the school ________ before the commencement of the school

            To leave the school __________ after the school finishes

  1. b) By Saturdays

            To come to the office at __________

            To leave the office at _________

In administration if work requirements necessitate working outside these hours then the Employee is expected to put in those hours.

  1. Holidays
  2. a) Sundays
  3. b) All public holidays
  4. c) 30 days per year to be taken during the summer break subject to agreement on dates with the School Management
  5. d) If with an agreement with the school management 30 days as per clause 6(c) are to be availed as holidays in instalments and/or in different months of the year the detail of such an arrangement signed by the school management must be attached to this agreement in writing.


  1. a) 12 days sick leave with pay. If leave is availed so that weekends/public holidays follow or precede the days of leave or if weekends/public holidays fall in between the day of leave, then the leave days shall be counted by including the weekends/public holidays.
  2. b) In the case of female employees maternity leave of one month with pay is allowed only if the employee has completed two years of employment with the Employer.


  1. Other Conditions
  2. a) Should the Employee be convicted of criminal offence or in relation to duties at the school found guilty of misconduct, gross inefficiency, willful refusal to fulfill assigned duties, the period of notice shall be at the discretion of the Board. The Employee may be summarily dismissed if unable to provide a satisfactory explanation for the alleged misconduct.
  3. b) The Employee may discontinue service during the course of an academic year on medical grounds provided that he/she can produce a medical certificate to the satisfaction of the Board to prove inability to work normally. In case the certificate is not acceptable to the Board, whose conditions shall be final and binding on both parties.
  4. c) Should the Employee become incapable by reason of general inefficiency, infirmity of mind or body, thus rendering him unfit to continue employment, then the period of notice necessary shall be at the discretion of the Board.
  5. d) The employee is not allowed to accept presents in cash or kind from pupils of their parents/guardians or to offer them without permission from its relevant Head.
  6. e) The Employee is not allowed to accept presents in cash or kind from pupils of their parents/guardians or to offer them presents without permission from the relevant Head.
  7. f) The school shall not be responsible for loss of Employee’s property in the form of cash or personal possessions.
  8. g) The Employee shall not inflict corporal punishment on the pupils or use abusive language towards any person in the school. Infliction of corporal punishment shall be considered as an act of gross misconduct.
  9. h) The Employee must attend all school meetings and functions unless otherwise directed.
  10. i) the school must be informed well in advance of any absence from school.
  11. j) private tuition may not be given to the students of Bloomfield Hall without special and prior permission of the Head.
  12. k) The employee may not work in any other organization in any capacity, including part time, voluntary work, paid or unpaid work without the written consent of the Employer.
  13. l) The Employer shall not enter into any contract/sub contract regarding any aspect of Bloomfield Hall and its projects with any individual/body of Bloomfield Hall and such contract/sub contract/understandings shall not be recognized or accepted by Bloomfield Hall unless these are approved in writing by the Bloomfield Hall Executive Board.
  14. Salary

                        Basic               ______________

                        Allowances     _____________________   

                        Any other        ________________

            Total:                           __________

  1. Yearly Increment:
  2. a) ___________ per year

            If a) above is not given then

  1. b) Yearly increment shall be determined by the school management with approval from the Bloomfield Hall Executive Board.
  2. Termination of contract by Employer

            termination of contract is executed by the BH Executive Board. The School Management may suspend an Employee and recommend the case to the Board for termination of contract. The Board shall inform the School Management of its decision within 30 days.

            An employee may be suspended by the School Management on following terms:

1)         if the employee is guilty of gross misconduct

2)         If the employee is found to have engaged in criminal offences inside or outside the school

3)         If the employee has displayed behavior (whether inside or outside the school) which is considered to be socially offensive and unacceptable

4)         If the employee is found not to be adequately fulfilling his/her duties. In this case the school management shall warn the employee verbally on two occasions after which a written warning shall be issued. If after the written warning no improvement is found, the school management shall suspend the employee.

            In all cases the employee has the right to follow the grievance procedure.


Administrative and Management Staff

Any dispute arising between the employee and the school management shall be resolved in the following manner: 

1)         The employee shall refer the matter to the member of BH Executive Board responsible for the school/branch where the employee is working

2)         If the dispute remains unresolved, the employee shall refer the matter to the Employee’s Grievance Committee which consists of the following:

  1. a) one member of the Executive Board
  2. b) One Head from a branch/school where the employee is not working

3)         If the dispute remains unresolved, the Employee may present the matter to the BH Executive Board. The Board shall investigate the decisions of the Grievance Committee and in deciding on the matter the Board may or may not call the Employee.

            The decision of the Board shall be final.  

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