Labour Laws
Minimum Wage, Rate, Record of age: 7
Termination Letter
Where fixation of wage rate of medical representatives of the company working in Peshawar is concerned, kindly send us Notification issued by Labour Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in which the minimum wage rate was fixed at the rate of 15,000 w.e.f 2014. We suggest to send us the notification.
At the time of appointment of the workers in the company, the human resource department obtained school certificates and birth certificates. To our understanding the record which was obtained by the employer from the employee at the time of their appointment prevails over computerized CNIC in which date of birth is always an issue. Therefore the company has the discretion either to issue notice to the employees who reduced their age in CNIC or to keep them at their posts with their record as well as issue directions for new CNIC.
We reiterate and suggest to initiate disciplinary proceedings against Ms. ____________ on ground of misconduct. The procedure for disciplinary proceedings is that the company has to appoint one of his employees designated at managerial level as inquiry officer who on behalf of the company issue Notice to Ms._______________ to appear before him as the company has initiated inquiry proceedings against her. Draft of “Final Notice” is appended herewith. Ms. ___________ has to appear and defend himself in the inquiry proceedings along with the Inquiry Officer also may call upon the officers from the company who keep leave and absent record of Ms. __________. After recording t he statement as well as evidence of Ms. _______________ and the officers concerned the Inquiry Officer give his decision on the matter and the Company then intimate us about the decision of termination.