Marriage Age as per Majority Act
Marriage age as per Majority Act
As per the above provisions of law, standard age to solemnized a marriage in Pakistan is eighteen years for both boy and a girl.
MFLO, 1961
- Marriage is a contract that shall have following ingredients:
- two parties i.e a boy and a girl not less than eighteen years of age.
- The consent of both the parties shall be attained.
- Third ingredient is the money which shall be paid by the boy and is called Mehr at the time of the contract of marriage or thereafter
- At least presence of two male witnesses is necessary and the nikahnanma shall prescribe their signatures
- Marriage shall be registered with the Union Council of the town under whose jurisdiction Nikah/marriage was solemnized by the Nikah Registrar
The Nikah nama contains a clause under which the groom/husband is bound to write monthly payment /maintenance to be paid by him to his wife after the marriage has been solemnised. Monthly payment of the maintenance would be written as per his basic monthly salary which he would be able to pay easily to his wife.
Haq Mehr:
Haq Mehr is the right of the bride to be paid by the husband either at the time of Nikah or thereafter. In either of these two conditions, whichever would be applicable after taken the consent of both the parties, shall be paid by the groom.
Types of Haq Mehr:
Mehr Muajjal
Mehr Majjal
Notwithstanding the above, Haq Mehr also be fixed as per the financial capacity of the groom.
Under the family laws of Pakistan there is no provision word “Dowry” has been defined anywhere in the family laws. Basically it is a tradition based on the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him who gave necessary household articles to his beloved daughter Hazrat Fatima at the time of her marriage with Hazrat Ali. That articles contains two charpoys, two mattresses and some kitchen utencils for daily use.
Under the Pakistan Family Laws, recovery of Dowry articles includes jewellery and other articles which were given and accompany by the bride with her, are recoverable on demand when and if the bride wants to be recovered at the time of dissolution of marriage.
Right to Divorce:
Pronouncement of Talaq by Man has a right to divorce in these ways:
Either pronouncement of one Talaq to wife and reconcile if both parites want to;
or pronouncement of two talaq to wife and reconcile if both parties want to;
or pronouncement of three talaqs once;
or he may execute divorce deed and file it before Union Council.
When a man pronounced Talaq in either of the above ways he shall issue Notice through Union Council to the wife within 90 days of the pronouncement of Talaq.
Same rule is applicable on three pronouncements also.
Clause 7 of the Nikahnama pertains to right of divorce i.e Talaq-e-Tafweez which may be exercised by the bride to file a divorce case or file dissolution of marriage against the groom .
This is the right to be given to the bride whenever she wants to exercise it. Through this right she is been protected to safeguard herself.